The Rome Health Community Pharmacy is open to the public from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, weekdays. It is closed from 12:30 pm to 1:00 pm for lunch.
Located in the new Medical Center on the hospitals main campus. Patrons can park conveniently near the pharmacy by using the Oak Street entrance for easy access to the Community Pharmacy.
The Rome Health Community Pharmacy:

Accepts most major prescription insurance plans

Will call to have your existing prescriptions transferred

Offers a convenient call-in system for refills at (315) 338-7690

Has a full line of over-the-counter items

Offers a discount for seniors and employees on all over-the-counter items
Meds to Beds Program
Patients can save time and get their prescriptions filled before they leave the hospital. Ask about the convenience of the "Meds to Beds" program offering prescriptions delivered right to the patient's room prior to discharge.
Department of Motor Vehicles Eye Exams available
No appointment is required to have your vision tested with results sent directly to the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles. Cost is $10.
Take Back Bin
Expired or unwanted medications can be properly disposed of in our medication drop-box. This accepts over-the-counter items and prescription medications, including controlled substances. However, it does not take any needle containing products. Call for more information.
Rome Health Community Pharmacy
1500 N. James St. Rome, NY 13440