Physical Therapy

More Movement Better Health

Movement is an important part of everyday life, from waking up in the morning, to walking your dog, and all the other important events that life offers us. But sometimes our movement may decrease due to medical condition or illness. A physical therapist can help you regain your strength, mobility, and function to continue living your best life.

Physical therapy services are available at Rome Health through our continuum of care, from acute care to short-term inpatient rehabilitation and on to outpatient rehabilitation. Our staff strives to deliver consistent quality healthcare services to the patients we serve. We monitor our patients’ outcomes and satisfaction with our care. When we compare our statistics with other physical therapy programs, our results are as good as or better than similar programs.

Based on your diagnosis and physician’s orders, we start with a thorough evaluation to develop your individualized treatment plan and discuss your personal goals.

Treatment Available

Rome Health's physical therapists are qualified to treat individuals with but not limited to:

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Neurological Impairment

  • Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA/stroke)
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Progressive Muscular Atrophy (PMA)
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Brain Injuries
  • Spinal Cord Injuries
  • Developmental Disorders
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Orthopedic Needs

  • Fractures
  • Tendon injuries and repairs
  • Nerve injuries and repairs
  • Repetitive motion injuries
  • Arthritis (Osteo and Rheumatoid)
  • Sports injury
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Treatments May Include

  • Gait Training
  • Pain Management
  • Therapeutic exercise
  • Neuromuscular reeducation
  • Modalities
  • Balance Training

Hallmark of Excellence

Rome Health's Physical Therapy Program is accredited by the Healthcare Facilities Accreditation Program of the American Osteopathic Association (HFAP).

You will establish a partnership and receive one-on-one care with a highly skilled and dedicated therapist. Our team includes New York State licensed physical therapists, physical therapist assistants.

Rome Health Outpatient Rehabilitation Services

 107 E. Chestnut St. Rome, NY 13440

Monday - Thursday

7:00am - 6:00pm


7:00am - 4:00pm

We participate with most insurance plans, including Medicaid, Medicare, Tricare and Workers’ Compensation.

For more information, please call (315) 337-7952.

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