• Leading the Way in Urology Care

    Our urology specialists provide world-class care at the highest standard. With our leading physicians, the latest robotic technology and minimally invasive surgical interventions, we treat both men's and women's urological concerns with comfort and precision for excellent outcomes.

  • OOur Approach
  • Leading Physicians

    Our team includes top urologists - ensuring that the most up-to-date techniques, recommendations and expertise are the foundation of your care.

    State-of-the-Art Treatments

    We offer the latest, most advanced treatment options available. And, with our new da Vinci robot, we're able to surgically treat urological concerns with greater accuracy and less discomfort and recovery time.

    Advanced Urologic Surgery

    Our Director of Robotic Surgery, Dr. Po Lam, has performed the most urologic robotic surgeries in Central New York, specializing in localized prostate cancer, kidney cancer, bladder cancer, and challenging kidney stones.

    Expert Care. For Every Body.

    We deliver exceptional care for the full spectrum of urological conditions, serving both male and female patients with expertise and compassion.

    Experts in Cancer and Complex Conditions.

    Our specialized team of experts treats cancers of the prostate, kidney and bladder, as well as kidney stones, enlarged prostate, urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction.

    Unparalleled Implant Care

    We offer prosthetic urology, including penile implants; urinary slings and sphincters; and InterStim™ implantation.

    UroLift™ Center of Excellence

    Dr. Daniel Welchons has earned the UroLift™ Center of Excellence designation for consistently delivering excellent patient outcomes. The UroLift™ is the only leading benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) procedure that does not require cutting, heating or removal of prostate tissue.

Our Urology Services

Bladder Cancer
Kidney Cancer
Penile Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Retroperitoneal and Pelvic
Testicular Cancer

Wilms' Tumors

Erectile Dysfunction (Invasive and Noninvasive Therapies)
Penile Reconstruction

Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive  Surgery
Reconstructive Surgery
Pelvic Organ Prolapse Correction
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Tract Conditions

Dorsal Slit
Green Light™ Laser
Injection Bulkamid
Injection Macroplastique
Interstim™ Placement
Orchiopexy for Testicular Torsion
Pelvic Lymph Node Dissection
Penile Implant
Repair Venio Vaginal Fistula
Testicular Biopsy